Training and Internship

Professionally Crafted
Internship and Training Programs

At AdmissionGuru our mission is to engage students in planned, practical, educationally purposeful experiences in professional, work-related settings that relate to or complement students’ academic and career goals. AdmissionGuru will offer a range of internship experiences appropriate for all students pursuing graduations or post graduation programs.

An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.

  • The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  • There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  • There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.

The number of recommended hours varies based on the type of internship.

  • Hourly Internships: We recommend 8-10 hours/week during the semester, up to 40 hours/week during College breaks.
    This is the most common and most recommended type of internship. The number of hours should be based on the amount of work the employer is able to provide on a weekly basis throughout a semester. We see the most successful internships set at 8-10 hours per week during the semester, and up to 40 hours per week / full-time during College breaks. It is best to choose a number of hours that you are confident you can fill with meaningful work, so that an intern is not searching for work, and you are not spending time creating projects.
  • Project-based Internships: Determined between intern and employer based on scope of project.
    This is an internship where a specific project and deadline have been established between the employer and the intern. We encourage the employer and the intern to discuss the approximate number of hours that the project should take to complete.
  • Credit-based internships: Determined by each institution. Generally 15-20 hours.
    Some Colleges offer class credit for internships. In this case, students will be required to work a specific number of hours throughout a semester. The intern will provide the employer with his/her internship requirements.

Education without Fees

Upto 100% Scholarship on Tution Fees

Appear for an Online Test and avail up to 100% Scholarship in various courses.

Funded By CSR / NGO / GOVT.

B.Tech / m Tech Courses

Paramedical Courses

Medical Courses

Non Technical Courses

Other Education

Diploma Courses


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